Halla habe ich nicht mehr bewußt erlebt. Aber gehört habe ich oft von ihr:
Hans Günter Winkler on Halla winning the Olympic Gold in Stockholm 1956 [1:26]
Hochgeladen am 06.06.2011
Winkler's painful gold ride on Halla in 1956. Commentary by the famous Hans Heinrich Isenbart.
In the first round, Winkler pulled a groin muscle at the penultimate obstacle, after his mare took off early and threw him out of position. Despite the pain, Winkler decided to ride in the third round, as the German team would be eliminated without him. After he was given tranquilizers, Winkler found that he was comfortable sitting, but riding was difficult and painful. Any drugs that could reduce the pain enough to make him comfortable in the saddle would also reduce his mental capacity, and therefore he was only given black coffee before his ride to try to help reduce his dizziness and double-vision. However, his great mare, Halla, sensed that her rider was not right, and performed the entire course clear with almost only steering from Winkler, and their performance won them the individual gold.
In the first round, Winkler pulled a groin muscle at the penultimate obstacle, after his mare took off early and threw him out of position. Despite the pain, Winkler decided to ride in the third round, as the German team would be eliminated without him. After he was given tranquilizers, Winkler found that he was comfortable sitting, but riding was difficult and painful. Any drugs that could reduce the pain enough to make him comfortable in the saddle would also reduce his mental capacity, and therefore he was only given black coffee before his ride to try to help reduce his dizziness and double-vision. However, his great mare, Halla, sensed that her rider was not right, and performed the entire course clear with almost only steering from Winkler, and their performance won them the individual gold.
Hier sind einige Videos von meinen olympischen Erinnerungen aus den letzten 50 Jahren:
Von Armin Hary kann ich gar nicht genug kriegen:
The Worlds Fastest Men Armin Hary episode 2 [2:25]
Veröffentlicht am 27.07.2012
Once the Fastest Man in the World, World Record Holder & Olympic Champion of the 100m & 200m. This Momedia Network show is a short from the 14minute documentary on Usain Bolt, Carl Lewis, Jesse Owens and Armin Hary. It documents 4 of the greatest sprinters of all time.
Abebe Bikila wins marathon in 1960 Rome Olympics... barefoot. [6:46]
50 years ago in the 1960 Olympics in Rome, Abebe Bikila won the marathon event, 24 years after Mussolini had conquered his homeland of Ethiopia. He won in world record time (2:15:16) & becoming the first African to win an Olympic medal. Not only that, he did it barefoot (after they couldn't find a pair of shoes that fit him comfortably)! Mind you a lot of the streets here in Rome are cobblestone & since it was so hot the race was started at sunset & ended in the dark of night lit by Roman soldiers holding torches. He was a last minute replacement for the Ethiopian team & didn't even start running until he was 24. Evidently a few KM from the finish, Bikila saw the Obelisk of Axum, which invading Italian troops stole from Ethiopia during WWII (& only restored to Ethiopia in 2008). At this point Bikila was neck & neck with the Moroccan Rhadi, but wen he saw the obelisk he surged & Rhadi couldn't keep up.
Even though he had an appendectomy 40 days before the event & wasn't able to train or expected to even run it, he went on to win again in the 1964 Olympics in Tokyo, this time with shoes, becoming the first person to repeat gold in the marathon.
You might wonder what he could've done with "modern" training & equipment, but then again this also demonstrates the importance of natural talent & determination. The biomechanical efficiency of his stride is simply awe-inspiring
Even though he had an appendectomy 40 days before the event & wasn't able to train or expected to even run it, he went on to win again in the 1964 Olympics in Tokyo, this time with shoes, becoming the first person to repeat gold in the marathon.
You might wonder what he could've done with "modern" training & equipment, but then again this also demonstrates the importance of natural talent & determination. The biomechanical efficiency of his stride is simply awe-inspiring
Carl Kaufmann stürzte sich 1960 in Rom – ich war hoch beeindruckt – ins Zielband:
400m Finale 1960 Rom [0:54]
Hochgeladen am 18.09.2010
400m Finale der Olympiade 1960 in Rom Davis gegen Kaufmann (Deutsch)
Weltrekord 44,9 sec.
Weltrekord 44,9 sec.
Harald Norpoth schien sich mit seinem hin und her drehenden Oberkörper immer über die Bahn zu schleppen, wirkte mit seinem Laufstil aber trotzdem irgendwie leicht:
1964 Olympic 5k [2:37]
Hochgeladen am 24.09.2006
The 1964 Olympic 5,000 meters. Bob Schul of the USA wins, with teammate Bill Dellinger taking third.
Willi Holdorf schien auf den letzten 100 Metern des abschließenden 1500-Meter-Laufes bei seinem letzten Zehnkampf 1964 in Tokyo zusammenzubrechen, schaffte es aber bis ins Ziel und wurde erster deutscher Zehnkampf-Olympiasieger. (Leider habe ich dazu kein Video gefunden.) In den 70er Jahren wurde er im Zweierbob zweimal Vize-Europameister.
Von den Zehnkämpfern Hans-Joachim Walde (Bronze 1964 in Tokyo, Silber 1968 in Mexiko), Kurt Bendlin (Zehnkampf-Weltrekord 1966, Olympia-Bronze 1968 in Mexiko, zur Zeit der Winnetou- und der Sandalenfilme spielte er den Siegfried) und Guido Kratschmer (Europameister 1974, Silber 1976 in Montreal, Weltrekord 1980) habe ich Videos gefunden.
Bob Beamon's World Record Long Jump - 1968 Olympics [2:33]
Hochgeladen am 21.01.2010
USA's Bob Beamon breaks the world record in the long jump by nearly two feet during the 1968 Mexico City Olympic Games.
Dick Fosbury, der Erfinder des erfolgreichen Flops, hat nie einen Weltrekord aufgestellt.
Mexico 1968 high Jump Final (Fosbury 2.24m Ed charuters 2.22m).wmv [8:54]
Hochgeladen am 01.08.2011
by Manzerine Pedro da Cunha (4)
Willi Jaschek zog sich beim Mannschaftsturnen bei der Olympiade 1968 in Mexiko schon beim ersten Gerät einen Achillessehnenriß zu, turnte mit seiner Verletzung den gesamten Wettkampf durch (Abgang vom Reck!!) und ermöglichte seiner Mannschaft so einen achten Platz. Leider habe ich keinen Film gefunden.
Al Oerter gewann in vier aufeinanderfolgenden Olympischen Spielen die Goldmedaille. Die größte jemals von Oerter erzielte Weite betrug 74,67 m; allerdings wurde diese Weite bei Filmdreharbeiten erzielt und wurde deshalb offiziell nicht anerkannt. Den Weltrekord hält seit 1986 der ehemalige DDR-Sportler Jürgen Schult mit 74,08 m. Oerters beste Wettkampfweite erzielte er als 43-Jähriger mit 69,46 Metern.
„Beim ersten Olympiasieg war ich richtig jung, beim zweiten zu nichts imstande, beim dritten schwer verletzt und beim vierten alt“, sagte Oerter über seine olympische Serie. (Vor Rom hatte Oerter knapp einen Autounfall überlebt, in Tokio war er durch eine Rippenverletzung gehandicapt) „Wenn es Mann gegen Mann geht, sind Weltrekorde keinen Penny wert. Sie hat ohnehin der Wind gemacht“, erklärte Oerter, der alle Goldmedaillen direkt in Duellen mit den jeweilig aktuellen Weltrekordlern errang. „Ich hatte ein großartiges Leben und will es so zu Ende leben, wie es ist,“ sagte er und lehnte eine von Fachärzten angeratene Herztransplantation ab.
AL OERTER FOUR TIMES OLIMPIC CHAMPION [6:59] Veröffentlicht am 31.05.2012
Cuadruple medallista de oro olimpico en lanzamiento de disco.
Walerij Borsow, Goldmedaillengewinner über 100 und 200 Meter in München, der letzte weiße Olympiasieger über diese Strecken und für mich der Mann mit dem elegantesten Laufstil. Verheiratet ist er mit der Turnerin Ljudmilla Turischtschewa, Olympiasiegerin in München im Achtkampf
Sprinter Valeri Borzov 100 meters, Olympic Champion [2:58]
Hochgeladen am 27.03.2008
Video of Valeri Borzov 100 meters 1972 & 1976 Olympics
Ludmilla Tourischeva 1972 Olympics AA FX [1:45]
Hochgeladen am 30.01.2007
Ludmilla Tourischeva USSR
1972 Olympics, all-around - floor exercise
9.9 (77.025 1st place)
The wonderful Ludmilla Turischeva on the floor. She secured the all.around title with this routine.
1972 Olympics, all-around - floor exercise
9.9 (77.025 1st place)
The wonderful Ludmilla Turischeva on the floor. She secured the all.around title with this routine.
Nadia Comaneci - First Perfect Score | Montreal 1976 Olympics
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Wilfried Dietrich, der Kran von Schifferstadt
Wilfried Dietrich [0:50]
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Veröffentlicht am 26.06.2012
In the 1976 Montreal Olympic Games Nadia Comaneci became the first gymnast in Olympic history to be awarded the perfect score of 10.0 for her performance on the uneven bars.
Subscribe to the Olympic channel: http://bit.ly/1dn6AV5
Since 1896, athletics has been on the programme of each edition of the Games of the Olympiad. Its presence on the Games programme has allowed its popularity to increase across the world. This popularity was also strengthened by the creation of the IAAF in 1912. Women's events appeared for the first time at the 1928 Olympic Games in Amsterdam, while the men's programme was standardised as of the 1932 Games in Los Angeles. Although at the beginning women were authorised to participate in only some events, today their programme is almost identical to that of the men.
Find more about Athletics at www.olympic.org/athletics
Subscribe to the Olympic channel: http://bit.ly/1dn6AV5
Since 1896, athletics has been on the programme of each edition of the Games of the Olympiad. Its presence on the Games programme has allowed its popularity to increase across the world. This popularity was also strengthened by the creation of the IAAF in 1912. Women's events appeared for the first time at the 1928 Olympic Games in Amsterdam, while the men's programme was standardised as of the 1932 Games in Los Angeles. Although at the beginning women were authorised to participate in only some events, today their programme is almost identical to that of the men.
Find more about Athletics at www.olympic.org/athletics
Wilfried Dietrich, der Kran von Schifferstadt
Wilfried Dietrich [0:50]
Hochgeladen am 25.02.2007
Wilfried Dietrich, Der Kran von Schifferstadt
Die tragische Geschichte in drei Teilen von dem Mann, der schließlich gegen seine Heimatstadt kämpfte, auf youtube (Das Leben des Wilfried Dietrich / Der Kran von Schifferstadt)
Franz-Josef Kemper, Vierter über 800 m bei den Olympischen Spielen in München, Europarekordler und insgesamt 15facher Deutscher Meister. Er lief immer, als ob er einen Stock im Rücken hätte. Beim Finale ist er Ende der Schlußkurve noch Achter und letzter.
Dave Wottle - 1972 Spectacular Olympic Finish [2:31]
Hochgeladen am 24.07.2007
In the 1972 Olympic 800 m final, Wottle immediately dropped to the rear of the field, and stayed there for the first 600 m, at which point he started to pass runner after runner up the final straightaway, finally grabbing the lead in the final metres to win by just 0.03 seconds ahead of the favorite, the Soviet Yevgeny Arzhonov. This gained him the nickname of "The Head Waiter." I responded with this video because I think they are both spectacular finishes!
Heide Rosendahl (Bei den Olympischen Spielen 1972 in München zweimal Gold und einmal Silber), unvergessen ihr Lauf gegen Renate Stecher als Schlußläuferin der 4 x 100 m-Staffel
Rosendahl.wmv [0:43]
Hochgeladen am 10.12.2011
Heide Rosendahl
1972 Munich Olympics
1972 Munich Olympics
Klaus Wolfermann vs. Janis Lusis - 1972 Olympics javelin throw final [2:27]
Hochgeladen am 16.04.2011
Klaus Wolfermann became a national hero when he won the Olympic gold medal by the smallest possible margin in front of his own people at Munich in 1972. Janis Lusis had set his second world record of 93.80 meters two month before the Games began. However, a few days before the Olympics began Wolfermann had hurled the spear 90.10 meters (295' 7"), which gave him great confidence.
In the Olympic final Lusis took the lead in the opening round with 88.88 meters (291' 7"). However, in round four Wolfermann came close with 88.40 meters (290' 0"). On his next throw Wolfermann went one better and threw 90.48 meters (296' 10"). Lusis's last throw went just over 90 meters. Amid great tension, the measurement was finally announced as 90.46 meters (296' 9"). The balding and bearded German had won it.
For more information please visit:http://www.nemethjavelins.hu or join us on Facebook:
In the Olympic final Lusis took the lead in the opening round with 88.88 meters (291' 7"). However, in round four Wolfermann came close with 88.40 meters (290' 0"). On his next throw Wolfermann went one better and threw 90.48 meters (296' 10"). Lusis's last throw went just over 90 meters. Amid great tension, the measurement was finally announced as 90.46 meters (296' 9"). The balding and bearded German had won it.
For more information please visit:http://www.nemethjavelins.hu or join us on Facebook:
Mark Spitz gewann 1972 die bis dahin für unvorstellbar gehaltene Anzahl von sieben Goldmedaillen
Mark Spitz - Seven golds - Munich 1972 Olympic Games [3:49]
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Veröffentlicht am 10.07.2012
At the 1972 Munich Games, Spitz was determined to make up for his below-par performances four years earlier at the 1968 Mexico City Games. He did not disappoint. Over a period of eight days, Mark Spitz entered seven events, won all seven and set a world record in every one.
Mark Spitz held the record for most gold medals won at a single Olympic Games for 36 years. It was finally broken by American phenomenon Michael Phelps who won eight gold medals at the 2008 Beijing Games.
Mark Spitz held the record for most gold medals won at a single Olympic Games for 36 years. It was finally broken by American phenomenon Michael Phelps who won eight gold medals at the 2008 Beijing Games.
Lasse Virén, Doppelolympiasieger über 5.000 und 10.000 Meter in München 1972 und Montreal 1976; beeindruckend, wie er sich nach seinem Sturz beim 10.000 m-Lauf nicht beeindrucken läßt und in Weltrekordzeit siegt. Man unterstellte ihm Blutdoping, was allerdings damals noch nicht verboten war. Er hat dies immer bestritten.
1972 - Lasse Viren 27.38.35 - 10.000m - München Olympics [2:44]
Veröffentlicht am 24.03.2013
Harald Schmid (Europarekordler und 5facher Europameister); für mich ist er der beste deutsche 400 m-Hürdenläufer aller Zeiten.
1982 European 400m Hurdles - Harald Schmidt [2:02]
Hochgeladen am 07.02.2009
Harald schmidt in perhaps his finest ever victory
…nur gegen den für mich besten 400 m-Hürdenläufer aller Zeiten, Edwin Moses, (damals genannt »Godfather of 400 m hurdles«) hat er glaube ich nie gewonnen…
1984 Olympic Games Track & Field - Men's 400 Meter Hurdles [8:20]
Veröffentlicht am 23.07.2014
Gold: Edwin Moses, USA
Silver: Danny Harris, USA
Bronze: Harald Schmid, FRG
Silver: Danny Harris, USA
Bronze: Harald Schmid, FRG
Sergei Bubka, Goldmedailliengewinner im Stabhochsprung 1988 in Seoul, 6maliger Weltmeister, stellte 17 Freiluft-Weltrekorde auf, Inhaber des Weltrekordes seit 1984, sein letzter Weltrekord (6,14 m) besteht seit 1994
Sergey Bubka's Gold Medal & Olympic Record - Seoul 1988 Olympics [2:46]
Veröffentlicht am 03.07.2012
Footage from the 1988 Seoul Olympics in which Ukrainian Olympic legend Sergey Bubka claims Gold and breaks the Olympic record in the process in the Pole Vault.
In Seoul 1988, Bubka had his first opportunity to shine in the Olympic Games, having stayed out of Los Angeles four years earlier due to the Soviet Union boycott.
Representing the USSR in Seoul, Sergey Bubka broke the Olympic record with a 5.90m mark which also gave him the Olympic gold medal. His fellow Soviets Rodion Gataullin and Grigoriy Yegorov join him on the podium.
Bubka would still compete in the Barcelona 1992, Atlanta 1996 and Sydney 2000 Olympic Games. He is currently a member of the International Olympic Committee.
Find more about Sergey Bubka: http://www.olympic.org/sergey-bubka
In Seoul 1988, Bubka had his first opportunity to shine in the Olympic Games, having stayed out of Los Angeles four years earlier due to the Soviet Union boycott.
Representing the USSR in Seoul, Sergey Bubka broke the Olympic record with a 5.90m mark which also gave him the Olympic gold medal. His fellow Soviets Rodion Gataullin and Grigoriy Yegorov join him on the podium.
Bubka would still compete in the Barcelona 1992, Atlanta 1996 and Sydney 2000 Olympic Games. He is currently a member of the International Olympic Committee.
Find more about Sergey Bubka: http://www.olympic.org/sergey-bubka
Michael Johnson, der Mann von einem anderen Stern mit den goldenen Schuhen und dem unmöglichen Laufstil, vierfacher Olympiasieger (1992 Barcelona, 1996 Atlanta, 2000 Sydney) und noch heute Inhaber des 400-Meter-Weltrekordes (43,18 Sek., Sevilla, Weltmeisterschaften 1997):
Michael Johnson Breaks 200m & 400m Olympic Records - Atlanta 1996 Olympics [3:43]
Veröffentlicht am 12.07.2012
Michael Johnson became the only man in history to win the 200m and the 400m gold medals at a single Olympics at the Atlanta Games in 1996.
Johnson set Olympic record times in both events (19.32 in the 200m and 43.49 in the 400m) as he took both gold medals.
Johnson set Olympic record times in both events (19.32 in the 200m and 43.49 in the 400m) as he took both gold medals.
und natürlich noch Carl Lewis, viermaliger Goldmedaillengewinner 1984 in Los Angeles, und damit würdiger Nachfolger von Jesse Owens. Er gewann insgesamt neunmal olympisches Gold und wiederholte den Sieg bei vier aufeinanderfolgenden Olympiaden in der gleichen Disziplin (Weitsprung) von Al Oerter. Mit Paavo Nurmi zusammen ist er nach der Anzahl der gewonnenen Olympiamedaillen der erfolgreichste Leichtathlet aller Zeiten:
Carl Lewis - Olympic Legend [2:29]
Hochgeladen am 01.03.2010
Enjoy these highlights from Carl Lewis' legendary Olympic career, with events from the 1984, 1988, 1992 and 1996 Summer Olympic Games.
Athletes featured in this video :
LEWIS Carl, United States of America :
Athletes featured in this video :
LEWIS Carl, United States of America :
Zu Dieter Baumann habe ich an anderer Stelle gepostet.
Willy Wülbeck war zehnmal in Folge deutscher Meister über 800 Meter.
1983 wurde er in Helsinke mit neuem deutschen Rekord Weltmeister:
Willi Wuelbeck - 800m World Athletics Championships Gold, Helsinki 1983 [6:23]
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Hochgeladen am 10.02.2012
Willi Wuelbeck becoming World 800m Champion following a battle between Peter Elliott and Joaquim Cruz leading into the home straight.
Commentators - David Coleman, Brendan Foster and Dave Moorcroft.
BBC Coverage.
Commentators - David Coleman, Brendan Foster and Dave Moorcroft.
BBC Coverage.
Haile Gebrselassie, zweimal olympisches Gold, 9facher Weltmeister, 26 Weltrekorde
Hochgeladen am 01.04.2009
Uno de las mas emocionantes finales en un 10000 de la historia olímpica la protagonizada por estos dos "monstruos" del atletismo.
En las imagenes ralentizadas se puede observar claramente el desenlazace de una competencia de años entre estos dos grandísimos atletas.
En las imagenes ralentizadas se puede observar claramente el desenlazace de una competencia de años entre estos dos grandísimos atletas.