Genesis In Concert 1976 (speed corrected) {44:32}
Am 11.09.2012 veröffentlicht
I used Sony Vegas to fix the speed issue that this footage has always had (even the version on the Trick of The Tail DVD was way too fast). I don't understand why the Genesis people couldn't be bothered to fix this before releasing it on their DVD. It was a pretty simple fix.
Genesis Live in Concert 1976 HD / HQ Full Show in one Video ! {42:38}
Am 11.08.2012 veröffentlicht
Hey , i have uploaded the full concert from " Genesis Live in Concert 1976 " for you in HD and HQ . Enjoy it :)
You can download the movie from genesis-movement.org
Genesis - France TV " Melody " Live 1974 - All Songs - HD - Rework - best quality on YouTube {30:25}
You can download the movie from genesis-movement.org
Genesis - France TV " Melody " Live 1974 - All Songs - HD - Rework - best quality on YouTube {30:25}
Am 24.12.2012 veröffentlicht
Hello my Genesis friends , I wish all to you a merry christmas and a happy new year .
This video is a great rework from the TV show " Melody " in france . The video is now in HD and 16:9 format .
The show has the following songs : Supper's Ready , I Know what I Like
This video is a great rework from the TV show " Melody " in france . The video is now in HD and 16:9 format .
The show has the following songs : Supper's Ready , I Know what I Like

Mit folgendem Lied habe ich Genesis kennengelernt. Damals waren Stücke, die nicht auf eine (Vinyl-)Single paßten, sehr rar, wurden auch in kaum einer Hitparade gespielt, weil zu sperrig. AFN (American Forces Network) spielte damals sonntags, zwischen elf und zwölf Uhr, solche fast unbekannten Stücke. Von dem hier war ich total begeistert und schickte eine Postkarte an den Sender, auf welcher ich nach dem Namen des Stückes und der Gruppe fragte. Antwort: Genesis, Firth of Fifth, von der LP Selling England by the Pound (der Titel des Stücks ist eine Anspielung auf einen Meeresarm in England mit berühmten Brückenkonstruktionen, der LP-Titel war damals ein Wahlkampfslogan der Labour Party). Hier die Aufführung aus dem Jahr 2007:
Genesis - Firth Of Fifth - Seconds Out - Superior Quality [8:40]
Veröffentlicht am 18.03.2012
nuff said.
13 year old girl plays Firth of Fifth by Genesis [1:18]
Veröffentlicht am 28.07.2013
Piano intro to Genesis' Firth of Fifth.
To see her Lamb Lies Down on Broadway intro video, go to...
To see her Lamb Lies Down on Broadway intro video, go to...
Genesis - Genesis - Dancing with the Moonlit Knight - LIVE 1973 (Remastered HQ) [6:36] Text
Hochgeladen am 10.09.2011
Audio remastered by me - I've found many videos with this song live, but each had really terrible sound. I couldn't find a video from this concert with good audio, so I did my best to remaster it and I hope that you will enjoy it too.
Shepperton Studios - 1973 - Selling England by the Pound - Dancing with the Moonlit Knight.
I think that Selling England by the Pound was their best album. I love Genesis with Peter Gabriel
Shepperton Studios - 1973 - Selling England by the Pound - Dancing with the Moonlit Knight.
I think that Selling England by the Pound was their best album. I love Genesis with Peter Gabriel
und das haben sie auch gespielt: »Follow You, Follow Me«
Genesis - Follow You Follow Me [3:47]
Hochgeladen am 27.02.2009
R-Kive is available to order now
Digital: smarturl.it/RKivedigital
Physical: smarturl.it/RkiveCD
Digital: smarturl.it/RKivedigital
Physical: smarturl.it/RkiveCD
Genesis können auch böse sein und sich über sich selbst lustig machen: »Land of Confusion« (man beachte die Anspielung auf 2001 – Odyssee im Weltraum)
Genesis Land of Confusion [5:31]
Hochgeladen am 13.10.2009
Der Text in deutscher Übersetzung:
Land des Chaos
Ich muß tausende Träume geträumt habenGejagt von tausenden Schreien.Ich kann sie marschieren hören.Sie kommen die Straße herauf.
Hast Du heute schon die Zeitung gelesen?Sie sagen, die Gefahr wäre vorbei.Aber ich sehe noch immer ihre Feuer,die sie in die Nacht hinausbrennen.
Zu viele Menschen, zu viele Leute,machen zu viele Probleme!Und es gibt nicht viel Liebe zu verteilen.Seht Ihr denn nicht, das hier ist das Land des Chaos!
Wir sind es, die in dieser Welt lebenund diese Hände sind es, die uns gegeben sind.Gebrauchen wir sie also und versuchen wir,einen Ort daraus zu machen, in dem es sich zu leben lohnt.
Oh Supermann, wo bist Du jetzt,wo hier alles drunter und drüber geht?Die mächtigen Männer aus Stahlverlieren Stunde um Stunde mehr die Kontrolle.
Der Ort ist hier und die Zeit ist jetzt!Also sehen wir der Zukunft entgegen.Und es gibt nicht viel Liebe zu verteilen.Sag mir, warum ist hier das Land des Chaos?
Ich weiß noch, vor langer Zeit...Die Sonne schien,und die Sterne glänzten in der Nacht,Der Klang Deines Lachens, als ich Dich in den Armen hielt,So lange ist das schon her...
Heut Nacht komme ich nicht nach Hause.Meine Generation wird es richtig machen!Wir werden nicht bloß Versprechungen machen,von denen wir schon wissen, daß wir sie sowieso nie halten werden.
Zu viele Menschen, zu viele Leute,machen zu viele Probleme!Und es gibt nicht viel Liebe zu verteilen.Seht Ihr denn nicht, das hier ist das Land des Chaos!
Wir sind es, die in dieser Welt lebenund diese Hände sind es, die uns gegeben sind.Gebrauchen wir sie also und versuchen wir,einen Ort daraus zu machen, für den es sich zu kämpfen lohnt.
Wir sind es, die in dieser Welt leben,und dies sind die Namen, die uns gegeben wurden.Traut Euch und zeigt allen,wohin unser Leben führen soll.
The video opens with a caricatured Ronald Reagan (voiced by Chris Barrie), Nancy Reagan, and a chimpanzee (parodying Reagan's film Bedtime for Bonzo), going to bed at 16:30 (4:30 PM). Nancy is absorbed in reading ‘His Way’, Kitty Kelley's unauthorized biography of Frank Sinatra, in which claims are made of sexual relations between Sinatra and the then actress Nancy Davis prior to her marriage to Reagan. Reagan, holding a teddy bear, goes to sleep and begins to have a nightmare, which sets the premise for the entire video. The video intermittently features a line of stomping feet, illustrating an army marching through a swamp, and they pick up heads of Cold War-era political figures in the swamp along the way (an allusion to Motel Hell).
Caricatured versions of the band members are shown playing instruments on stage during a concert: Tony Banks on an array of synthesizers (as well as a cash register), Mike Rutherford on a four-necked guitar (parodying Rutherford's dual role as the band's guitar and bass-player), and two Phil Collins puppets: one on the drums, and one singing.
During the second verse, the video features various world leaders giving speeches on large video screens in front of mass crowds; the video shows Benito Mussolini, Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, Mikhail Gorbachev and his aides (appearing like Frank Sinatra's 'rat pack'), and Muammar al-Gaddafi. Meanwhile, Reagan is shown putting on a Superman suit, fumbling along the way, while Collins sings,
- Oh Superman where are you now
- When everything's gone wrong somehow
- The men of steel, the men of power
- Are losing control by the hour.
Meanwhile, the "real world" Reagan is shown drowning in his own sweat (at one point, a rubber duck floats by).
During the bridge, the Superman-costumed Reagan and a Monoclonius-type dinosaur (with punk jewellery) watch a television showing various clips (apparently from the Spitting Image show itself), including Johnny Carson, Leonard Nimoy as Mr. Spock(with a Rubik's Cube), and Bob Hope. This segues into a sequence apparently set in prehistoric times, where the Monoclonius-type and a theropod-type dinosaur (wearing a bow-tie) meet up with Ron and Nancy Reagan and a rather outlandish mammal eats an egg and reads a newspaper. At the end of this part, the ape from the prologue is shown throwing a bone in the air (an allusion to 2001: A Space Odyssey).
As the bone begins to fall there is a sudden switch to Collins catching a falling phone which he uses to inform the person on the other end that he "won't be coming home tonight, my generation will put it right" (which is when a caricature of a 1980s Pete Townshend is seen playing a chord on guitar and giving a thumb-up for putative mentioning of his own song, "My Generation") and on the "we're not just making promises" verse the bone lands (on top of David Bowie and Bob Dylan). Reagan is then shown riding the Monoclonius through the streets while wearing a cowboy hat and wardrobe (a reference to Reagan's down-home public persona and ranch). As the video nears its climax, there are periodic scenes of a large group of spoofed celebrity puppets, including Tina Turner, Michael Jackson, Madonna, Bill Cosby and Hulk Hogan singing along to the chorus of the song, in a spoof of the charity-driven song "We Are the World", with Pope John Paul II playing an electric guitar.
At the end of the video, Reagan awakens from his dream, and surfaces from the sweat surrounding him; Nancy at this point is wearing a snorkel. After taking a drink (missing his mouth and, indeed, his face), he fumbles for a button next to his bed. He intends to push the one labelled "Nurse", but instead presses the one titled "Nuke", setting off a nuclear weapon. Reagan then replies "Man, that's one heck of a nurse!" Nancy whacks him over the head with her snorkel.
The video, directed by John Lloyd & Jim Yukich and produced by Jon Blair, won the short-lived Grammy Award for Best Concept Music Video during the 30th Annual Grammy Awards.[4] The video was also nominated for an MTV Video Music Award for Best Video of the Year in 1987, but lost to "Sledgehammer" by Peter Gabriel (coincidentally, Genesis' former lead singer). It also made the number-one spot on The Village Voice critic Robert Christgau's top 10 music videos in his year-end "Dean's List" feature, and number three on the equivalent list in his annual survey of music critics, Pazz & Jop (again losing out to "Sledgehammer").[5] (Land of Confusion, engl. Wikipedia)
Ein phantastisches Schlagzeug-Duett von Phil Collins und Chester Thompson, der die Band schon seit vielen Jahren begleitet, gab es auch:
Genesis - Conversations with 2 stools (drum duet) [6:44]
Hochgeladen am 26.04.2011
"Conversations with 2 stools" (drum duet: Phil Collins & Chester Thompson) + beginning of "Los endos".
Live in Rome (July 14th, 2007), album "When In Rome 2007".
Live in Rome (July 14th, 2007), album "When In Rome 2007".
Und zum Schluß noch »Los Endos«
Genesis: Los Endos live 1976 [7:02]
Hochgeladen am 13.01.2012
This is "Los Endos" from the laserdisc "Genesis In Concert 1976".
Und hier noch die Setlist (das Wort kenne ich auch erst seit heute) des Hannover-Konzerts:
Behind The Lines / Duke’s End
Turn It On Again
No Son Of Mine
Land Of Confusion
In The Cage / The Cinema Show / Duke’s Travels
Hold On My Heart
Home By The Sea / Second Home By The Sea
Follow You Follow Me
Firth Of Fifth / I Know What I Like
Throwing It All Away
Drum Duet
Los Endos
Tonight Tonight Tonight
Invisible Touch
I Can’t Dance
The Carpet Crawlers
=> HAZ-Artikel vom 25.6.07
=> Songtexte
=> Wikipedia
=> offizielle Webseite
=> Photogallerie vom deutschen Fanclub
=> zu einem Aufsatz von Udo Gerhards, Was ist Progressive Rock? (siehe die Kapitel 1.3.3 und 1.3.4)
aktualisiert am 24.01.2015
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