Donnerstag, 12. Februar 2009

27 000 PR-Berater polieren das Image der USA

Ein Chefredaktor beklagt den immensen Einfluss des amerikanischen Verteidigungsminsteriums auf seine Journalisten. Jetzt ist ihm der Kragen geplatzt: Er enthüllt schier unglaubliche Fakten über die PR-Arbeit des Pentagons. 

Die Bush-Administration hat das US-Militär in eine globale Propaganda-Maschine verwandelt. Tom Curley, Chef der amerikanischen Nachrichtenagentur AP, kann dazu nicht mehr länger schweigen. Am Wochenende referierte er an der Universität von Kansas vor Journalisten über den Druck des US-Verteidigungsministeriums auf seine Berichterstatter in Kriegsgebieten wie Irak oder Afghanistan. Sein Fazit: «Es wird langsam unerträglich.» Hohe Generäle hätten gedroht, dass man die AP und ihn ruinieren werde, wenn die Reporter weiterhin auf ihren journalistischen Prinzipien beharren würden. Seit 2003 wurden bereits elf Journalisten der AP im Irak für mehr als 24 Stunden verhaftet.
- 27'000 PR-Berater polieren Image der USA (Marc Brupbacher,, 12.02.2009 – Hervorhebung von mir)

Associated Press CEO Tom Curley speaks on press freedom {1:59}

AP Archive
Am 21.07.2015 veröffentlicht 
1. Mid shot of Tom Curley walking to podium
2. Wide shot of event
3. SOUNDBITE (English) Tom Curley, President and Chief Executive Officer, Associated Press: "The powerful have to be watched, and we are the watchers. And you don''t need to have your notebook snatched by a policeman to know that keeping an eye on government activities these days has gotten a lot harder. In fact, the government itself actually has told us so. After the 9/11 terrorist attacks the Attorney General of the United States informed federal departments he was reversing the spirit of the Freedom of Information Act."
4. Mid shot, audience
5. SOUNDBITE (English) Tom Curley, President and Chief Executive Officer, Associated Press:
"By last summer, a government study determined that nearly a third of federal officials whose duty is to comply with FOI (Freedom of Information) requests reported they had succeeded in reducing the flow of information to the public. The states appear to have fallen in step with the new spirit of secrecy."
6. Mid shot, audience.
7. SOUNDBITE (English) Tom Curley, President and Chief Executive Officer, Associated Press.
"The government is pushing hard for secrecy. We must push back equally hard for openness. I think it''s time to consider establishment of a focussed lobbying effort in Washington. An advocacy centre for open government would identify and oppose legislation that puts unreasonable restrictions on public information."
8. Mid shot, audience.
9. SOUNDBITE: (English) Tom Curley, President and Chief Executive Officer , Associated Press.
"A fight is what this is. A fight is what our system of government intends and expects it to be. We do not sit in some impartial referee''s box where open government is concerned. Like it or not, we''re in the game for keeps and we can play either badly or play well."
10. Wide shot of event.
Denouncing increased official secrecy, Associated Press (AP) President and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Tom Curley unveiled a plan to open a media advocacy centre to lobby in Washington, DC for open government.
Curley outlined the plan and the reasons for such an approach during a speech on Friday in Riverside, California.
At every level of government, he said, records are being sealed and requests for information denied, and courts are imposing gag orders and sealing documents.
In the wake of the September 11 terrorist attacks, the news media had failed in its mission and remained largely silent on important issues Curley said, including secret arrests of suspects of Middle Eastern descent and closed deportation hearings.
Speaking in the Hays Press-Enterprise Lecture series, Curley warned that a continued relaxation of vigilance by news organisations, "could become a dangerous habit if we allow it to take hold, dangerous for us and the society in which we play such a critical role."
He noted that the "government is pushing hard for secrecy," and said "we must push back equally hard for openness."
Curley acknowledged the advocacy proposal is potentially controversial, but he defended the approach, saying "a fight is what this is. A fight is what our system of government intends and expects it to be."
Curley cited recent intrusions on information-gathering, including an AP reporter''s digital recording being erased by a US marshal at a speech by US Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, and a confrontation between a sheriff''s deputy and a freelance photographer on assignment for the AP outside a Michael Jackson grand jury hearing.
The photographer deleted digital images after being ordered to do so by the deputy. You can license this story through AP Archive: Find out more about AP Archive:

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