Die offzielle deutsche Tom-Selleck-Seite meldet einerseits den Start einer neuen Tom-Selleck-Serie »Blue Bloods« auf Kabel eins für den 14. August 2012, andererseits den überwältigenden Erfolg der Jesse-Stone-Filme in den USA:
Die Reihe ist in Amerika so beliebt, dass jeder Film neue
Zuschauerrekorde bricht. Der letzte Jesse Stone-Film "Thin
Ice" brachte dem Sender sensationelle Einschaltquoten von 15
Millionen Zuschauern. Dieser Wert ist für einen Network-TV-Film absolut
Serienjunkies meldet, der Sender CBS habe sich entschlossen, keine weiteren Jesse-Stone-Filme zu produzieren. Als einer der Gründe wird unter Berufung auf die Zeitschrift Variety genannt, "Benefit of the Doubt" (, der in Deutschland noch gar nicht gelaufen ist,) habe zwar beeindruckende 12,9 Millionen Zuschauer vor den Fernseher gerufen, aber nur einen Wert von 1,2 im Rating der werberelevanten Zieltruppe der 18- bis 49-Jährigen erreicht.
Die Diskussion ist ab Kommentar Nr. 11 ganz interessant.
Ich denke, das sagt etwas über die amerikanische Gesellschaft aus. Und was in Amerika los ist, werden wir hier in etwa 10 Jahren haben. Viel Spaß!
Folgenden Seitenausschnitt hab’ ich grad zufällig in einem Gravis-Katalog gefunden. Paßt gut!
Mittwoch, 18. Juli 2012
The 25 Best Progressive Rock Songs of All Time
In unserer Abi-Klasse hatten wir mal eine Chart-Liste, meist kannte ich die Stücke drauf gar nicht.
Ist mir auch zuviel Arbeit, selbst eine zu machen, aber als Progressive-Rock-Fan kann ich mich mit dieser Liste hier ganz gut anfreunden:
25. Pink Floyd - Atom Heart Mother Suite [23:42]
24. Genesis - The Return Of The Giant Hogweed [5:34]
This is from the Foxtrot (Supper is ready) Tour, January 10th 1973 in "Le Club Bataclan", Paris.
21. emerson, lake and palmer pictures at an exhibition full video [42:53]
Veröffentlicht am 27.05.2014
siehe auch: Von Bach bis Bartók (Emerson, Lake and Palmer, Wikipedia)
19. PINK FLOYD -Echoes /complete live in Pompeii 1971/ [24:16]
Veröffentlicht am 18.06.2014
David Gilmour - Echoes at Royal Albert Hall HD [22:17]
Hochgeladen am 15.11.2011
17. HEART OF THE SUNRISE - YES Live at Montreux 2003 [12:08]
16. Jethro Tull - Heavy Horses, Live 1980 [7:11]
15. Pink Floyd - Dogs Live 1977 - Part 1 [9:52]
It includes the song "Pigs on the Wing 1" from Roger Waters.
15. EL&P TARKUS(1972.07.22 後楽園球場 [23:02]
alter Info-Text:
Veröffentlicht am 24.05.2013
July 22, 1972
King Crimson - Prince Rupert Awakes (Lizard)
Veröffentlicht am 01.04.2014
Copyright Disclaimer: Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes Such as criticism, comment, entertainment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, entertainment, educational etc ..I hope that the copyright owners will understand my intentions or if it is necessary I will delete this video.
King Crimson - Lady of the Dancing Water (Lizard) [2:42]
From the album : Lizard.
12. Genesis - The Battle Of Epping Forest - In Concert 1974 2DVD set [12:37]
11. Yes - Awaken (Symphonic Live 2003) [19:51]
10. The Who - Underture [10:09]
Which includes a good slideshow! Enjoy!
9. Pink Floyd - Time [HQ] (Live 1988) [5:06] x
Walk on/ No Pussyfooting and Some Pussyfooting are included as a prelude which really set the mood. Enjoy!
7. Jethro Tull - Thick as a brick - live - 1978 - DVD [11:41]
5. Genesis Watcher of the Skies Live Shepperton Studios 16mm HD - 30/31 October 1973 [8:08]
4. Yes - Close To The Edge [Live] pt. 1/2 [9:59] Text
Yes - Close To The Edge [Live] pt. 2/2 [10:24]
3. Jethro Tull - A Passion Play [Digitally Remastered with bonus tracks] DVD (2003) [45:04]
1. King Crimson In The Court Of The Crimson King live [7:17]
Veröffentlicht am 26.09.2014
»The Who« sind die Intellektuellen (mit Tommy nahmen sie meiner Meinung nach den ganzen in den 70ern folgenden Esoterik-Boom – und die damit verbundene Problematik – vorweg),
siehe dazu auch:
- Pete Townshend, Rock Star and Devotee (Kevin R.D. Shepherd, CitizenThought.net, Januar 23013)
als Progressive Rock-Band habe ich sie nie empfunden, aber sei’s drum:
The Who - Baba O'Riley (Live In Texas '75) [6:51]
Roger Daltrey über Pete Townshend:
- Pete Townshend – In the Ether (Post, 19.10.2013)
Ist mir auch zuviel Arbeit, selbst eine zu machen, aber als Progressive-Rock-Fan kann ich mich mit dieser Liste hier ganz gut anfreunden:
auf PopMatters
25. Pink Floyd - Atom Heart Mother Suite [23:42]
Veröffentlicht am 25.03.2012
The first Song from the fifth Album Atom Heart Mother from Pink Floyd
Original UK release date:October 1970
David Gilmour - Guitar & Vocals
Roger Waters - Bass Guitar & Vocals
Richard Wright - Keyboards & Vocals
Nick Mason - Drums
Engineers:Peter Bown & Alan Parsons
Produced by Pink Floyd
Executive Producer:Norman Smith
Original UK release date:October 1970
David Gilmour - Guitar & Vocals
Roger Waters - Bass Guitar & Vocals
Richard Wright - Keyboards & Vocals
Nick Mason - Drums
Engineers:Peter Bown & Alan Parsons
Produced by Pink Floyd
Executive Producer:Norman Smith
24. Genesis - The Return Of The Giant Hogweed [5:34]
Hochgeladen am 19.05.2006
Amazing performance of this song, very similar to the one in 'Genesis Live' but without the duel between Peter's flute and Steve's guitar.
Super lineup: Peter Gabriel, Steve Hackett, Phil Collins, Mike Rutherford and Tony Banks.
Super lineup: Peter Gabriel, Steve Hackett, Phil Collins, Mike Rutherford and Tony Banks.
21. emerson, lake and palmer pictures at an exhibition full video [42:53]
Veröffentlicht am 27.05.2014
siehe auch: Von Bach bis Bartók (Emerson, Lake and Palmer, Wikipedia)
19. PINK FLOYD -Echoes /complete live in Pompeii 1971/ [24:16]
Veröffentlicht am 18.06.2014
David Gilmour - Echoes at Royal Albert Hall HD [22:17]
Hochgeladen am 15.11.2011
17. HEART OF THE SUNRISE - YES Live at Montreux 2003 [12:08]
Veröffentlicht am 03.07.2012
Live At Montreux 2003
VOCALS - Jon Anderson
GUITARS - Steve Howe
BASS - Chris Squire
KEYBOARDS - Rick Wakeman
DRUMS - Alan White
Live At Montreux 2003
VOCALS - Jon Anderson
GUITARS - Steve Howe
BASS - Chris Squire
KEYBOARDS - Rick Wakeman
DRUMS - Alan White
16. Jethro Tull - Heavy Horses, Live 1980 [7:11]
Veröffentlicht am 11.04.2013
Jethro Tull live at The Royal Albert Hall London, UK 20-21/11/80 15. Pink Floyd - Dogs Live 1977 - Part 1 [9:52]
Hochgeladen am 30.01.2009
This is my second footage, using some recordings available. This bootleg was recorded in 1977-05-09 - Oakland Coliseum, Oakland, California, USA. This YT movie has low quality but it is available in other formats with better quality.
I hope you will enjoy it.
I hope you will enjoy it.
15. EL&P TARKUS(1972.07.22 後楽園球場 [23:02]
Hochgeladen am 15.03.2011
Veröffentlicht am 24.05.2013
Kerokuen Dome
Tokyo, Japan
Tokyo, Japan
King Crimson - Prince Rupert Awakes (Lizard)
Veröffentlicht am 01.04.2014
I have no intention to violate the rights of the copyright owners or infringing this song.The owner is Aviator Management GmbH .I am not the owner of anything.I just want to share my creation ( video ) without any profit with people who like the same music as I do.
King Crimson - Lady of the Dancing Water (Lizard) [2:42]
Hochgeladen am 13.06.2011
Lady of the Dancing Water, by King Crimson.
12. Genesis - The Battle Of Epping Forest - In Concert 1974 2DVD set [12:37]
Veröffentlicht am 25.11.2013
The very first COMPLETE version of Genesis performing The Battle Of Epping Forest on YouTube
Genesis In Concert 1974 Selling England tour 40th Anniversary 2DVD collector's item set. The Battle Of Epping Forest recorded live at Montreal Quebec, Canada April 20th, 1974 with missing parts filled in from other venues.
Similar to what we did with the Lamb Lies Down On Broadway and with 2014 being the 40th anniversary of Selling England By The Pound we've patched all the missing parts of the remastered version of the Montreal 1974 footage with scenes from short amateur & pro-shot video clips of shows filmed in other parts of the world to make the very first entire Selling England by the Pound concert with all songs in full. Again I think you'll enjoy the results.
DVD 1 (56:46)
1. CHOM-FM Radio Intro/Watcher Of The Skies
2. Dancing With The Moonlit Knight
3. The Cinema Show
4. I Know What I Like
5. Firth Of Fifth
6. The Musical Box
DVD 2 (42:02)
1. More Fool Me
2. The Battle Of Epping Forest
3. Supper's Ready
4. CHOM-FM Radio Sign Off
* bonus footage includes video from various cities during the 1974 portion of the Selling England By The Pound Tour
1. Torino, Italy - Feb. 3, 1974 - 7:32
2. Rome, Italy - Feb 5, 1974 - 7:39
3. Rochester, NY - April 22, 1974 - 7:34
4. Academy Of Music - May 6, 1974 - 7:34
All songs from these albums available at your local record store or online:
- Nursery Cryme
- Foxtrot
- Selling England by the Pound
The very first COMPLETE version of Genesis performing The Battle Of Epping Forest on YouTube
Genesis In Concert 1974 Selling England tour 40th Anniversary 2DVD collector's item set. The Battle Of Epping Forest recorded live at Montreal Quebec, Canada April 20th, 1974 with missing parts filled in from other venues.
Similar to what we did with the Lamb Lies Down On Broadway and with 2014 being the 40th anniversary of Selling England By The Pound we've patched all the missing parts of the remastered version of the Montreal 1974 footage with scenes from short amateur & pro-shot video clips of shows filmed in other parts of the world to make the very first entire Selling England by the Pound concert with all songs in full. Again I think you'll enjoy the results.
DVD 1 (56:46)
1. CHOM-FM Radio Intro/Watcher Of The Skies
2. Dancing With The Moonlit Knight
3. The Cinema Show
4. I Know What I Like
5. Firth Of Fifth
6. The Musical Box
DVD 2 (42:02)
1. More Fool Me
2. The Battle Of Epping Forest
3. Supper's Ready
4. CHOM-FM Radio Sign Off
* bonus footage includes video from various cities during the 1974 portion of the Selling England By The Pound Tour
1. Torino, Italy - Feb. 3, 1974 - 7:32
2. Rome, Italy - Feb 5, 1974 - 7:39
3. Rochester, NY - April 22, 1974 - 7:34
4. Academy Of Music - May 6, 1974 - 7:34
All songs from these albums available at your local record store or online:
- Nursery Cryme
- Foxtrot
- Selling England by the Pound
11. Yes - Awaken (Symphonic Live 2003) [19:51]
Veröffentlicht am 19.09.2012
Yes are one of the most innovative and successful rock bands of all time with a career that now spans five decades. In 2003 the band made their first appearance at the Montreux Festival, despite having a long association with the town itself (they recorded there frequently in the seventies). It was a triumphant night and is regarded by both the band members and fans as probably the finest Yes gig ever to be filmed.10. The Who - Underture [10:09]
Hochgeladen am 13.08.2008
The Who with the instrumental song "Underture" off of the 1969 album "Tommy"
9. Pink Floyd - Time [HQ] (Live 1988) [5:06] x
Hochgeladen am 04.12.2010
Live at the Nassau Coliseum in Uniondale, New York.8. KING CRIMSON - LARKS' TONGUES IN ASPIC PART 1 ZURICH 1973 ( live ) [11:31]
Veröffentlicht am 07.08.2014
Recorded live at the Zurich Volkshaus Nov 15 1973....
This is one of the best live recordings of this often played song that I have heard. They had been together long enough at this point and they really show their chops on this night. Also the sound quality is very good compared to some other performances.
This is one of the best live recordings of this often played song that I have heard. They had been together long enough at this point and they really show their chops on this night. Also the sound quality is very good compared to some other performances.
7. Jethro Tull - Thick as a brick - live - 1978 - DVD [11:41]
Hochgeladen am 24.11.2010
Jethro Tull 1978 in Madison Square Garden performing a special version of "Thick as a brick"
Taken from the full concert http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-jz0Aw...
If you enjoy this live snippet of Jethro Tulls amazing concept album "Thick as a brick" i highly recommend getting the full album, it is arguably one of the greatest albums ever made, and i mean it!
Taken from the full concert http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-jz0Aw...
If you enjoy this live snippet of Jethro Tulls amazing concept album "Thick as a brick" i highly recommend getting the full album, it is arguably one of the greatest albums ever made, and i mean it!
Veröffentlicht am 28.07.2012
Watcher of the Skies Live October 1973 Live Shepperton Studios . This 16mm HD Movie have a excellent audio and and picture quality .4. Yes - Close To The Edge [Live] pt. 1/2 [9:59] Text
Hochgeladen am 18.03.2010
With orchestra and all kind of stuff Yes - Close To The Edge [Live] pt. 2/2 [10:24]
Hochgeladen am 19.03.2010
The second part 3. Jethro Tull - A Passion Play [Digitally Remastered with bonus tracks] DVD (2003) [45:04]
Veröffentlicht am 16.10.2014
A Passion Play
Digitally Remastered with bonus tracks
Tracks (click the tracks for lyrics):
1 A Passion Play (Part 1) 23:04
2 A Passion Play (Part 2) 22:00
3 Story of the hare who lost his spectacles (video bonus track) 0:00
Release date: 14. April 2003 (UK) and 20. May 2003 (USA)
Recording location/date: March 1973 at Morgan Studios, London.
Guest musicians: None
Production: Jethro Tull
Cover Concept by: CCS
Cover Art by: Brian Ward
Ian Anderson (flute, acoustic guitars, soprano saxophone, sopranino saxophone, vocals)
Martin Barre (electric guitar)
Barriemore Barlow (drums, timpani, glockenspiel, marimba)
Jeffrey Hammond-Hammond (bass, vocals)
John Evans (piano, organ, synthesizer, spken word)
Digitally Remastered with bonus tracks
Tracks (click the tracks for lyrics):
1 A Passion Play (Part 1) 23:04
2 A Passion Play (Part 2) 22:00
3 Story of the hare who lost his spectacles (video bonus track) 0:00
Release date: 14. April 2003 (UK) and 20. May 2003 (USA)
Recording location/date: March 1973 at Morgan Studios, London.
Guest musicians: None
Production: Jethro Tull
Cover Concept by: CCS
Cover Art by: Brian Ward
Ian Anderson (flute, acoustic guitars, soprano saxophone, sopranino saxophone, vocals)
Martin Barre (electric guitar)
Barriemore Barlow (drums, timpani, glockenspiel, marimba)
Jeffrey Hammond-Hammond (bass, vocals)
John Evans (piano, organ, synthesizer, spken word)
Veröffentlicht am 26.09.2014
»The Who« sind die Intellektuellen (mit Tommy nahmen sie meiner Meinung nach den ganzen in den 70ern folgenden Esoterik-Boom – und die damit verbundene Problematik – vorweg),
siehe dazu auch:
- Pete Townshend, Rock Star and Devotee (Kevin R.D. Shepherd, CitizenThought.net, Januar 23013)
als Progressive Rock-Band habe ich sie nie empfunden, aber sei’s drum:
The Who - Baba O'Riley (Live In Texas '75) [6:51]
Veröffentlicht am 23.08.2012
For more info -
- http://smarturl.it/theWhotexas75DVD
Filmed at The Summit in Houston, Texas on 20 November 1975, this concert captures a typically incendiary live performance by The Who at the start of the US leg of their tour in support of "The Who By Numbers" album which had been released earlier that year.
The original video footage has been cleaned and the sound remixed by longtime Who collaborator Jon Astley but the show still retains a rawness that encapsulates the energy of The Who's performance. The set list stretches across the band's career from classic early singles such as "My Generation" and "Substitute" through an extensive "Tommy" section and up to tracks from the then newly released "By Numbers".
- http://smarturl.it/theWhotexas75DVD
Filmed at The Summit in Houston, Texas on 20 November 1975, this concert captures a typically incendiary live performance by The Who at the start of the US leg of their tour in support of "The Who By Numbers" album which had been released earlier that year.
The original video footage has been cleaned and the sound remixed by longtime Who collaborator Jon Astley but the show still retains a rawness that encapsulates the energy of The Who's performance. The set list stretches across the band's career from classic early singles such as "My Generation" and "Substitute" through an extensive "Tommy" section and up to tracks from the then newly released "By Numbers".
Roger Daltrey über Pete Townshend:
»Es ist eine Arbeitsbeziehung. Wir besuchen einander nicht zu Hause. Pete kann schwierig sein. Manchmal fühle ich mich mit ihm, als ginge ich mit verbundenen Augen und schweren Nagelschuhen über ein Minenfeld. Mehr kann ich dazu nicht sagen.siehe auch:
Seine Lieder zu singen, macht mir mehr Freude als alles andere. Sie kommen aus einer anderen Welt, die ich verstehe. Offenbar ist etwas in ihm, von dem ich weiss, dass er es ausdrücken kann und ich nicht. Aber ich kann ihm eine Stimme geben.« («Ich prügelte sie zur Ordnung», Weltwoche 51/2013)
- Pete Townshend – In the Ether (Post, 19.10.2013)
zuletzt aktualisiert am 18.08.2016
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