Carla Del Pontes Rücktritt als Mitglied der Untersuchungskommission der Vereinten Nationen für Syrien wird kontrovers diskutiert. Während einer Podiumsdiskussion am Rande des Filmfestivals in Locarno hatte Del Ponte Anfang August ihren Rücktritt bekannt gegeben und auch gleich mit den Vereinten Nationen abgerechnet. Die Kommission sei nutzlos und lächerlich. Nach fünf Jahren als Sonderermittlerin habe sie resigniert.
Das Medienecho fiel unterschiedlich aus. Einerseits wurde Del Pontes persönlicher Frustration mit Verständnis begegnet. Allerdings zeuge die Begründung für ihren Rücktritt von einer erstaunlichen Naivität und Unkenntnis, hieß es. Es sei falsch, der Untersuchungskommission Tatenlosigkeit vorzuwerfen, bloß weil der blockierte UN-Sicherheitsrat kein Sondertribunal für die Kriegsverbrechen in Syrien einrichte. Vielmehr habe die Kommission in den vergangenen Jahren trotz widriger Rahmenbedingungen Informationen gesammelt, die für die Aufarbeitung des Krieges von großer Bedeutung seien.
Andererseits wurde Del Pontes Kritik an den Vereinten Nationen geteilt. Die Berichte der Untersuchungskommission seien sinnlos, solange es kein Sondertribunal gebe, also einen vom Sicherheitsrat legitimierten Gerichtshof für die Kriegsverbrechen in Syrien. Del Pontes Rückzug führe vor Augen, wie sehr die UN in Syrien versagt hätten.
- UN-Untersuchungskommission zu Syrien - Zwischen Anspruch und Realität (Lars Hauch, Cicero, 14.08.2017)
Wo mir der Name Carla Del Ponte untergekommen ist:
Die noch während des Krieges von Jugoslawien beim Internationalen Gerichtshof in Den Haag eingereichte Klage gegen zehn Nato-Staaten, darunter Deutschland, wurde ohne Entscheidung in der Sache abgewiesen […] Die „New York Times“ vom 30.12.1999 zitierte Chefanklägerin Carla Del Ponte: Das Tribunal habe wichtigere Aufgaben als Ermittlungen gegen westliche Führungen, die die besten Stützen des Gerichtshofes seien. Zur Bombardierung des Senders RTS hieß es lapidar: „Von der Annahme ausgehend, dass es ein legitimiertes Ziel war, waren die zivilen Opfer unglücklicherweise hoch, aber sie scheinen nicht eindeutig unverhältnismäßig.“
[Frieden muss gestiftet werden. Exempel Kosovokrieg oder: das Völkerrecht als Gegner, erschienen in Blätter für deutsche und internationale Politik 11/2014, zu finden auf der Homepage von Daniela Dahn]
Carla Del Ponte – die Frau, die lachend Mörder jagt (Sternstunde Philosophie, 8.2.2015) {57:38}
Veröffentlicht am 09.02.2015
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Homepage Sternstunde Philosophie:
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Syrien statt Golfplatz: Eigentlich wollte Carla Del Ponte den Ruhestand entspannt angehen. Doch die Lage in Syrien sei schlimmer als das, was sie als UNO-Chefanklägerin in Ruanda und in Ex-Jugoslawien sah, sagt die Frau, die das Böse von Nahem kennt. Mit Carla Del Ponte spricht Stephan Klapproth.
Homepage Sternstunde Philosophie:
Mehr Kultur:
Syrien statt Golfplatz: Eigentlich wollte Carla Del Ponte den Ruhestand entspannt angehen. Doch die Lage in Syrien sei schlimmer als das, was sie als UNO-Chefanklägerin in Ruanda und in Ex-Jugoslawien sah, sagt die Frau, die das Böse von Nahem kennt. Mit Carla Del Ponte spricht Stephan Klapproth.
Carla Del Ponte | Kriegsverbrechen, Strafe und Staatsräson (NZZ Standpunkte 2011) {49:27}
Veröffentlicht am 06.10.2015
Nie wieder sollen Kriegsverbrechen und Völkermord ohne Strafe bleiben, auch für die Mächtigen nicht. Dies ist das Ziel der internationalen Strafgerichtsbarkeit. Die Tessinerin Carla Del Ponte war jahrelang Chefanklägerin der Uno-Kriegsverbrechertribunale für das ehemalige Jugoslawien und Ruanda.
Mit ihr unterhalten sich NZZ-Chefredaktor Markus Spillmann und Marco Färber über das Spannungsfeld zwischen Gerechtigkeit und Staatsräson, über den Prozess gegen Slobodan Milosevic und das immer noch andauernde Versteckspiel von Ratko Mladic - und über die jüngsten Organhandel-Vorwürfe gegen hohe Kosovo-Politiker.
Abonniere NZZ Standpunkte:
Sendung vom 14. August 2011
Abonniere NZZ Standpunkte:
Sendung vom 14. August 2011
The realities of the Syrian conflict: Carla del Ponte - italk {9:22}
Veröffentlicht am 10.06.2013
Death, brutality and suffering: the cruel realities of the Syrian conflict. A people scarred and a...
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Death, brutality and suffering: the cruel realities of the Syrian conflict. A people scarred and a country ravaged, where rebels and government forces battle for supremacy while the outside world struggles, so far unsuccessfully, for solutions.
What's more, increasing international tension over the conflict has also raised the spectre of a proxy war. To discuss the situation, euronews' Isabelle Kumar spoke to Carla del Ponte, a member of the UN Independent Commission of Inquiry on Syria.
Isabelle Kumar, euronews:
Carla del Ponte, many thanks for joining us on Italk. As I mentioned you are part of this investigating commission on Syria, which reported new levels of brutality. Now, you're certainly not new to this game, what stood out for you?
Carla del Ponte:
Good afternoon, we have issued the fifth report and we can see that the crimes, war crimes and crimes against humanity, are growing. There is much more commission of crimes, much more brutality and as it was in the other reports, we have crimes from both sides.
Isabelle Kumar, euronews:
What crimes are we talking about? What really stood out for you in terms of the crimes committed?
Carla del Ponte:
All sorts of violent crimes from killing, torture, sexual violence, executions, deportations. If you look at a list of the possible war crimes and crimes against humanity you have all of them included in what's happening now in Syria. And at the end we have all the elements of chemical weapons.
Isabelle Kumar, euronews:
We are going to now go to our first question that is about chemical weapons.
Anna (Poland):
Hi, my name is Anna, I am from Poland, and I want to ask a question. Is there any proof of chemical weapons in Syria, and how would this influence the situation?
Isabelle Kumar, euronews:
So there is certainly very strong evidence but you're lacking the incontrovertible proof aren't you, if you're not allowed to go into the country?
Carla del Ponte:
Exactly, in the report you can read that we identify four locations where chemical weapons were used but the investigation is ongoing. The Secretary General appointed a special mechanism to investigate and we need experts on this issue. I think the best thing now, if the Commission can establish that chemical weapons were used from both parties, we must wait until the investigation is done, properly done and finished.
Isabelle Kumar, euronews:
Do you think the UN will be allowed to get into the country to get this proof that is required?
Carla del Ponte:
I think so and I hope that all the members of the Commission will be allowed to enter Syria. We are hindered in our work in our activities while we have no access to Syria, so not only the special investigators on chemical weapons but we should be able to enter Syria as soon as possible.
Isabelle Kumar, euronews:
Do you have any idea of a time frame as to when you might possibly be able to enter?
Carla del Ponte:
No, absolutely not, unfortunately not. But we are still asking the UN, the Russian and all other states that can help us have access to Syria. I hope that when the negotiations in Geneva start it will also be an issue to discuss that the Commission will be able to enter Syria, yes it is extremely important.
Isabelle Kumar, euronews:
Back in May you caused some controversy with your statements when you said there was evidence that the rebels had been using chemical weapons, do you regret having said that?
Carla del Ponte:
No absolutely not and I confirm that, but of course there is not conclusive evidence. There are first elements of an investigation and so let's see what will happen during the investigation but we have some elements, of course, otherwise I would not speak about it.
Isabelle Kumar, euronews:
But the evidence seems to show that the chemical weapons are used more by the regime than by the rebels.
Carla del Ponte:
I don't know. Now it is time to wait and to have the final results of the investigation.
Isabelle Kumar, euronews:
We are going to go now to our next question which we have received by social media and that is from Mahmoud who's a Syrian national, and he asks:
"Why does the west say a lot and do little? When will the war end?".
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Death, brutality and suffering: the cruel realities of the Syrian conflict. A people scarred and a country ravaged, where rebels and government forces battle for supremacy while the outside world struggles, so far unsuccessfully, for solutions.
What's more, increasing international tension over the conflict has also raised the spectre of a proxy war. To discuss the situation, euronews' Isabelle Kumar spoke to Carla del Ponte, a member of the UN Independent Commission of Inquiry on Syria.
Isabelle Kumar, euronews:
Carla del Ponte, many thanks for joining us on Italk. As I mentioned you are part of this investigating commission on Syria, which reported new levels of brutality. Now, you're certainly not new to this game, what stood out for you?
Carla del Ponte:
Good afternoon, we have issued the fifth report and we can see that the crimes, war crimes and crimes against humanity, are growing. There is much more commission of crimes, much more brutality and as it was in the other reports, we have crimes from both sides.
Isabelle Kumar, euronews:
What crimes are we talking about? What really stood out for you in terms of the crimes committed?
Carla del Ponte:
All sorts of violent crimes from killing, torture, sexual violence, executions, deportations. If you look at a list of the possible war crimes and crimes against humanity you have all of them included in what's happening now in Syria. And at the end we have all the elements of chemical weapons.
Isabelle Kumar, euronews:
We are going to now go to our first question that is about chemical weapons.
Anna (Poland):
Hi, my name is Anna, I am from Poland, and I want to ask a question. Is there any proof of chemical weapons in Syria, and how would this influence the situation?
Isabelle Kumar, euronews:
So there is certainly very strong evidence but you're lacking the incontrovertible proof aren't you, if you're not allowed to go into the country?
Carla del Ponte:
Exactly, in the report you can read that we identify four locations where chemical weapons were used but the investigation is ongoing. The Secretary General appointed a special mechanism to investigate and we need experts on this issue. I think the best thing now, if the Commission can establish that chemical weapons were used from both parties, we must wait until the investigation is done, properly done and finished.
Isabelle Kumar, euronews:
Do you think the UN will be allowed to get into the country to get this proof that is required?
Carla del Ponte:
I think so and I hope that all the members of the Commission will be allowed to enter Syria. We are hindered in our work in our activities while we have no access to Syria, so not only the special investigators on chemical weapons but we should be able to enter Syria as soon as possible.
Isabelle Kumar, euronews:
Do you have any idea of a time frame as to when you might possibly be able to enter?
Carla del Ponte:
No, absolutely not, unfortunately not. But we are still asking the UN, the Russian and all other states that can help us have access to Syria. I hope that when the negotiations in Geneva start it will also be an issue to discuss that the Commission will be able to enter Syria, yes it is extremely important.
Isabelle Kumar, euronews:
Back in May you caused some controversy with your statements when you said there was evidence that the rebels had been using chemical weapons, do you regret having said that?
Carla del Ponte:
No absolutely not and I confirm that, but of course there is not conclusive evidence. There are first elements of an investigation and so let's see what will happen during the investigation but we have some elements, of course, otherwise I would not speak about it.
Isabelle Kumar, euronews:
But the evidence seems to show that the chemical weapons are used more by the regime than by the rebels.
Carla del Ponte:
I don't know. Now it is time to wait and to have the final results of the investigation.
Isabelle Kumar, euronews:
We are going to go now to our next question which we have received by social media and that is from Mahmoud who's a Syrian national, and he asks:
"Why does the west say a lot and do little? When will the war end?".
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Carla del Ponte contre une intervention militaire en Syrie (vidéo), {2:21}
Veröffentlicht am 09.09.2013
Une chaîne de la diaspora Africaine, particulièrement celle de la RDC pays de Kimpa VITA, de Lumumba et de Kimbangu Ingetat !
Carla del Ponte: Plus de 50% des "rebelles" syriens sont djihadistes. 16/09/2013 {10:04}
Veröffentlicht am 17.09.2013
Entretien exclusif avec Carla del Ponte. 16/09/2013
Carla Del Ponte, membre de la Commission d'enquête de l'ONU sur les violations des droits de l'Homme en Syrie, a assuré lundi sur la RTS que "plus de 50% des rebelles" syriens sont des djihadistes.
"Je n'ai jamais vu de telles horreurs", a déclaré Carla Del Ponte lundi dans une interview à la RTS en évoquant des sévices d'une ampleur inégalées contre les femmes et les enfants en Syrie.
Affirmant que des atrocités sont commises dans les deux camps, la Tessinoise, qui est membre de la Commission d'enquête de l'ONU sur les violations des droits de l'Homme, estime que la proportion de djihadistes parmi les rebelles est maintenant "encore plus" grande que 50%.
Carla Del Ponte confirme aussi avoir reçu une invitation de la part de Damas "à titre personnel". Elle a cependant refusé de s'y rendre seule, d'entente avec les autres membres de la commission.
Carla Del Ponte, membre de la Commission d'enquête de l'ONU sur les violations des droits de l'Homme en Syrie, a assuré lundi sur la RTS que "plus de 50% des rebelles" syriens sont des djihadistes.
"Je n'ai jamais vu de telles horreurs", a déclaré Carla Del Ponte lundi dans une interview à la RTS en évoquant des sévices d'une ampleur inégalées contre les femmes et les enfants en Syrie.
Affirmant que des atrocités sont commises dans les deux camps, la Tessinoise, qui est membre de la Commission d'enquête de l'ONU sur les violations des droits de l'Homme, estime que la proportion de djihadistes parmi les rebelles est maintenant "encore plus" grande que 50%.
Carla Del Ponte confirme aussi avoir reçu une invitation de la part de Damas "à titre personnel". Elle a cependant refusé de s'y rendre seule, d'entente avec les autres membres de la commission.
BBC News Carla Del Ponte 'stupefied by Syrian opposition sarin use' {1:07}
Veröffentlicht am 23.08.2013
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