In Kenia, seit 1890 von den Briten besetzt und seit 1920 Kronkolonie, hatten sich weiße Siedler das Land angeeignet. Die Einheimischen mussten nun als »Squatter« für ihr Bleiberecht auf den Farmen der Weißen arbeiten. Die gesamte Wirtschaft des ostafrikanischen Landes war in weißer Hand. Ab 1950 wehrten sich die Kenianer mit zunehmender Militanz im sogenannten Mau-Mau-Aufstand. 1952 verhängten die Briten den Ausnahmezustand. 90000 Mau-MauKämpfer, vor allem aus dem Volk der Kikuyu, wurden in Lagern interniert. Bis zur Niederschlagung des Aufstands 1956 verloren nach heutigen Erkenntnissen 100.000-150.000 Afrikaner ihr Leben.
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Verhaftete Kikuyu in Kenia: sie stehen im Verdacht, als Mau-Mau-Kämpfer einen weißen Farmer massakriert zu haben |
Harenberg - Abenteuer Geschichte 2017
Mau Mau Disorders In Kenya (1952) {2:12}
British Pathé
Veröffentlicht am 13.04.2014
Nairobi, Kenya. General view pan of Nairobi. Long view, street scene in Nairobi. STV.SV. Europeans and natives walking together in street. SV. Two Europeans standing beside newspaper sellers. CU. Newspaper, East African Standard. CU. Still photograph of murdered chief Ndieri. LV. Coffin being carried by natives to burial ground of murdered chief. SV. Natives carrying wreaths. STV. Africans watching. SV. Women native types carrying flowers. STV. Native types gathered round graveside. SV. Africans putting coffin on grave. SV. Kenya Guard of Honour. LV. King's African Rifle band marching toward. SV. Sir Evelyn Baring taking the salute. SV. Lancashire Fusiliers marching past. SV. Crowd watching. SV.SCU. Sir Evelyn Baring, Governor of Kenya inspecting Fusiliers. SV. Police patrol car leaving Kingsway Police Station. SV. Interior, Radio H.Q. with officer and woman at microphones. CU. Woman officer speaking into microphone. SV. Police patrol car driving through barrier on way to round up Africans. LV. Police armoured cars manned by volunteer reserve preparing to leave from H.Q. SV. Officer with men checking map. CU. Officer talking to men. CU. Map of suspected outskirts. SV. Police car with officers checking African suspects. SV. Officers checking identity of two Africans. SV. Police checking identity of another African. SV. Rounded-up Africans standing beside police cars. SV. Soldier bringing out suspected African from building. SV. Another African type standing beside police car. LV. Truck-load of troops and police leaving Kenya police H.Q. SV. Armoured car driving past camera. SV. Lorry loads of troops driving along African roads. Travel Shot. Along dusty African road. SV. Showing baboons running across roadway. Aircraft flying over. SV. Arrested Africans being examined for Mau Mau tattoo marks. SV. Africans types being searched. CU. Examining arm and back of arrested African. Angle shot, examining arm and back of arrested African. (Orig.Neg.) FILM ID:42.12
A British Family in Kenya (early 1950s) {12:26}
Veröffentlicht am 24.10.2015
A British family visit friends or relatives in Kenya to attend a wedding. With their cine camera they record aspects of the country which provide a fascinating insight into colonial life, and scenes of wildlife, Nairobi and Nakuru.
We Must Sin Quietly: Kenya's Colonial Concentration Camps {12:47}
Jack Baker
Veröffentlicht am 13.05.2016
Special Thanks to Ed Glassman, Marshall Clough
The History Of Kenya {4:08}
SARZz95's channel
Hochgeladen am 10.12.2011
A school project
Faces of Africa - Jomo Kenyatta : The Founding Father of Kenya {28:34}
CGTN Africa
Veröffentlicht am 06.06.2013
Many institutions bear his name. He upgraded the economic status of the country after independence. But his reign faced dark shadows when three prominent politicians were assassinated. Up to date he is accused of acquiring massive pieces of land. He is Jomo Kenyatta, the first president of Kenya.
Miss World And Miss Kenya (1967) {3:00}
British Pathé
Veröffentlicht am 13.04.2014
No title. Miss World beauty contest at Lyceum, London and Miss Kenya competition in Nairobi. Various C/Us Miss World contestants. M/S girls parade in evening dress, zoom back to show all the girls lined up. L/S contestants in Miss Kenya competition lined up on stage. L/S judges. L/S contestant parading in evening dress. M/S girl parading and showing herself off. L/S crowd watching. M/S contestant. M/S judges. L/S all the girls parade on the stage, one of them trips on the microphone wire. L/S girls parading. M/S judges. Panning shot the finalists on stage in swimming costumes. C/U current Miss World, Reita Faria, announcing the winner. L/S crowd applauding. Reita crowns the winner - Zipporah Mbugua - Miss Kenya. C/U Miss Kenya waving. Panning shot Miss Ghana parading at Miss World contest, pan to L/S of other girls. C/U Miss Germany. C/U African contestant. C/U another contestant. C/U Miss Peru. C/U Miss USA. M/S Judges looking at girls. C/U US film star Maureen O'Hara. M/S the final seven lined up. C/U finalists Miss Guyana and Miss Israel. Pan row of finalists: Miss Argentina, Miss Czechoslovakia, Miss Germany, Miss Guyana, Miss Israel, Miss Peru and Miss UK. C/U Miss Peru and Miss UK. M/S judges. Miss Peru - Madeleine Hartog-Bel - is announced Miss World. C/U Miss World waving. C/U Maureen O'Hara clapping. C/U Reita Faria crowning Miss World. Reita hands Miss World the sceptre. Miss World is tearful and emotional. C/U actor Richard Chamberlain (Dr. Kildare). C/U pan Miss World.