Während Telepolis immer wieder darauf hinwies, dass diesen Donnerstag die Geheimhaltungsfrist für ca. 3.000 noch gesperrte Akten zum Kennedy-Attentat ausläuft, scheinen die konventionellen deutschen Medien erst aus dem Tweet des amtierenden US-Präsidenten am Samstag von diesem vor 25 Jahren angekündigten Ereignis Notiz genommen zu haben. Das Attentat auf JFK ist seit 54 Jahren der Lackmus-Test für die Qualität und Unabhängigkeit politischer Berichterstattung.
Der deutsche Rudeljournalismus [siehe dazu auch: »Unwort des Jahres« – Die Lufthoheit über meinem Gehirn, Post, 14.01.2016, Link eingefügt von mir] versagte jedoch bereits im Ansatz. Was man im Blätterwald und im teuersten Rundfunksystem der Welt zum Kennedy-Attentat vernehmen konnte, löst Fremdscham aus. Durchweg halten es deutsche Qualitätsjournalisten für eine ausgemachte Sache, Oswald habe Kennedy erschossen, und wer das bezweifelt, sei ein Verschwörungstheoretiker – ganz so, wie es unstreitig die CIA 1967 in einem inzwischen freigegebenen Memo bei Einflussjournalisten bestellt hatte (50 Jahre "Verschwörungstheoretiker").
- JFK - blown away (Markus Kompa, Telepolis, 25.10.2017)
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Quelle: Vortrag Reiner Mausfeld »Warum schweigen die Lämmer?« (Screenshot) |
- Freigabe von JFK-Akten: Mythen um Kennedys Mörder (Christoph Tanneberg, FaktenfinderTagesschau, 26.10.2017; Wikipedia-Link von mir hinzugefügt)
- Top 4 revelations from the new JFK files (Jeff Morley, JFKFacts, 10.09.2017)
Oliver Stone on 50th Anniversary of JFK Assassination {14:54}
Veröffentlicht am 05.11.2013
Oliver Stone discusses the 50th anniversary of President John F. Kennedy's assassination on November 22, which was chronicled in his blockbuster film, "JFK." A Vietnam War veteran, Stone has made around two dozen acclaimed Hollywood films, including "Platoon," "Salvador," "Born on the Fourth of July," "Nixon," "South of the Border" and "Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps." A commemorative edition of "JFK" comes out next week.
Oliver Stone discusses the 50th anniversary of President John F. Kennedy's assassination on November 22, which was chronicled in his blockbuster film, "JFK." A Vietnam War veteran, Stone has made around two dozen acclaimed Hollywood films, including "Platoon," "Salvador," "Born on the Fourth of July," "Nixon," "South of the Border" and "Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps." A commemorative edition of "JFK" comes out next week.
JFK (2/7) Movie CLIP - Crossfire in Daley Plaza (1991) HD {3:36}
Veröffentlicht am 06.10.2012
Lou Ivon (Jay O. Sanders) gives Jim Garrison (Kevin Costner) a demonstration in shooting a rifle at the book depository in Daley Plaza to show that it would be impossible for one man to have shot President Kennedy alone.
The November 22, 1963, assassination of U.S. President John F. Kennedy shocked the nation and the world. The brisk investigation of that murder conducted under the guidance of Supreme Court Justice Earl Warren distressed many observers, even though subsequent careful investigations have been unable to find much fault with the conclusions his commission drew, the central one of which was that the assassin, Lee Harvey Oswald, acted alone. Instead of satisfying the public, one result of the Warren Commission Report was that an unimaginable number of plausible conspiracy theories were bruited about, and these have supported a sizeable publishing mini-industry ever since. In making this movie, director Oliver Stone had his pick of supposed or real investigative flaws to draw from and has constructed what some reviewers felt was one of the most compelling (and controversial) political detective thrillers ever to emerge from American cinema. Long before filming was completed, Stone was fending off heated accusations of artistic and historical irresponsibility, and these only intensified after the film was released. In the story, New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison (Kevin Costner) is convinced that there are some big flaws in the investigation of Oswald (Gary Oldman), and he sets out to recreate the events leading up to the assassination. Along the way, he stumbles across evidence that a great many people had reason to want to see the president killed, and he is convinced that some of them worked in concert to frame Oswald as the killer. Among the suspects are Lyndon Baines Johnson (the next president), the CIA, J. Edgar Hoover, and the Mafia. Over the course of gathering what he believes to be evidence of a conspiracy, Garrison unveils some of the grittier aspects of New Orleans society, focusing on the shady activities of local businessman Clay Shaw (Tommy Lee Jones). Garrison's investigations culminate in his conducting a show trial that he knows he will lose and which he is sure will ruin his career in order to get his evidence into the public record where it can't be buried again. This movie won two of the many Academy Awards for which it was nominated: one for Best Photography (Robert Richardson) and the other for Editing (Joe Hutshing).
TM & © Warner Bros. (1991)
Cast: Kevin Costner, Jay O. Sanders, John Connally, Nellie Connally, Jacqueline Kennedy, John F. Kennedy
Director: Oliver Stone
Producers: A. Kitman Ho, Arnon Milchan, Joseph P. Reidy, Oliver Stone, Clayton Townsend Screenwriters: Oliver Stone, Zachary Sklar, Jim Garrison, Jim Marrs
Lou Ivon (Jay O. Sanders) gives Jim Garrison (Kevin Costner) a demonstration in shooting a rifle at the book depository in Daley Plaza to show that it would be impossible for one man to have shot President Kennedy alone.
The November 22, 1963, assassination of U.S. President John F. Kennedy shocked the nation and the world. The brisk investigation of that murder conducted under the guidance of Supreme Court Justice Earl Warren distressed many observers, even though subsequent careful investigations have been unable to find much fault with the conclusions his commission drew, the central one of which was that the assassin, Lee Harvey Oswald, acted alone. Instead of satisfying the public, one result of the Warren Commission Report was that an unimaginable number of plausible conspiracy theories were bruited about, and these have supported a sizeable publishing mini-industry ever since. In making this movie, director Oliver Stone had his pick of supposed or real investigative flaws to draw from and has constructed what some reviewers felt was one of the most compelling (and controversial) political detective thrillers ever to emerge from American cinema. Long before filming was completed, Stone was fending off heated accusations of artistic and historical irresponsibility, and these only intensified after the film was released. In the story, New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison (Kevin Costner) is convinced that there are some big flaws in the investigation of Oswald (Gary Oldman), and he sets out to recreate the events leading up to the assassination. Along the way, he stumbles across evidence that a great many people had reason to want to see the president killed, and he is convinced that some of them worked in concert to frame Oswald as the killer. Among the suspects are Lyndon Baines Johnson (the next president), the CIA, J. Edgar Hoover, and the Mafia. Over the course of gathering what he believes to be evidence of a conspiracy, Garrison unveils some of the grittier aspects of New Orleans society, focusing on the shady activities of local businessman Clay Shaw (Tommy Lee Jones). Garrison's investigations culminate in his conducting a show trial that he knows he will lose and which he is sure will ruin his career in order to get his evidence into the public record where it can't be buried again. This movie won two of the many Academy Awards for which it was nominated: one for Best Photography (Robert Richardson) and the other for Editing (Joe Hutshing).
TM & © Warner Bros. (1991)
Cast: Kevin Costner, Jay O. Sanders, John Connally, Nellie Connally, Jacqueline Kennedy, John F. Kennedy
Director: Oliver Stone
Producers: A. Kitman Ho, Arnon Milchan, Joseph P. Reidy, Oliver Stone, Clayton Townsend Screenwriters: Oliver Stone, Zachary Sklar, Jim Garrison, Jim Marrs
siehe auch:
- Kennedy-Attentat (Verschwörungen-Wiki)
- Verschwörungstheorien: Das Attentat auf US Präsident John F. Kennedy – WER ERSCHOSS JOHN F. KENNEDY WIRKLICH? (Deutsches Institut für Parapsychologie, undatiert)
- Die Rede, die Kennedy das Leben kostete? – Mythos und Wirklichkeit (Markus Kompa, Telepolis, 28.02.2019)
- Das Volk ./. Lee Harvey Oswald (Markus Kompa, Telepolis, 26.10.2017)
- JFK-Attentat (4): Das Geheimnis des Grassy Knoll (SPON, 15.11.2013)
→ Hauptartikel: Attentat auf John F. Kennedy
Am 22. November 1963 wurde US-Präsident John F. Kennedy unterwegs vom Flughafen in die Innenstadt an der Dealey Plaza erschossen. Offiziellen Angaben zufolge wurde der tödliche Schuss aus dem Texas School Book Depository durch Lee Harvey Oswaldabgegeben. Mehrere Zeugen meinten, von einem als Grassy Knoll bekannt gewordenen Hügel im Nordwesten der Plaza ebenfalls Schüsse gehört zu haben. [Dealey Plaza, Attentat auf John F. Kennedy, Wikipedia, abgerufen am 27.10.2017]==========
- Die Ermordung von John F. Kennedy – Ungereimtheiten (Post, 27.10.2017)
- DAS KENNEDY-ATTENTAT – Das Ende der Verschwörungstheorien (Ulf von Rauhhaupt, FAZ.net, 21.11.2013)
- JFK-Attentat: Das ballistische Jahrhunderträtsel (Peter Huber, die Presse, 18.11.2013)
- ATTENTAT AUF KENNEDY – Wie starb JFK wirklich? Fünf Mythen im Faktencheck (Alain Posener, N24, 18.11.2013)
- 50. Jahrestag: Die Waffe CARCANO 91/38 und das John F. Kennedy-Attentat (all4Schooters, Verfasser und Datum unbekannt)
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