Thorin Eichenschild
Am 17.04.2017 veröffentlicht
Am 17.04.2017 veröffentlicht
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"MacArthur Park" was first recorded by Richard Harris, after he met the composer at a fundraiser in East Los Angeles, California in late 1967. Webb had been invited to provide the musical backdrop at the piano. Out of the blue, Harris, who had just starred in Camelot, and had performed several musical numbers in the film, suggested to Webb that he wanted to release a record. At first, Webb did not take Harris seriously, but later he received a telegram from Harris, requesting that Webb "come to London and make a record."[1] Webb flew to London and played Harris a number of songs for the project, but none seemed to fit for Harris's pop music debut. The last song that Webb played for Harris was "MacArthur Park," originally written for The Association, whose members had promptly rejected it because of its length, complex structure, and unorthodox lyrics. Harris selected "MacArthur Park" for his pop music debut.[1]
The track was recorded on December 21, 1967, at Armin Steiner's Sound Recorders in Hollywood. String, woodwind, and brass overdubs were recorded over two sessions on December 29 and 30.[7] The musicians in the original studio recording included members of the famous "Wrecking Crew" of Los Angeles-based studio musicians who played on many of the hit records of the 1960s and 1970s. Personnel used included Hal Blaine on drums, Larry Knechtel on keyboards, Joe Osborn on bass guitar, and Tommy Tedesco and Mike Deasy on guitars,[7] along with Webb himself on harpsichord.
The song was included on Harris's album A Tramp Shining in 1968 and selected for release as a single, an unusual choice, given the song's length and complex structure. It was released in April 1968[8] and was played by 77 WABC on Tuesday April 9, 1968.[9] It made its way onto the Hot 100 at number 79 on May 11, 1968, peaking at number 2 on June 22, 1968 behind Herb Alpert's "This Guy's in Love with You". It peaked at number 10 on Billboard's Easy Listening survey and was number 8 on WABC's overall 1968 chart.[10] It topped the music charts in Europe and Australia and also won the 1969 Grammy Award for Best Arrangement Accompanying Vocalist(s).[11]
[MacArthur Park (song), Background and release, engl. Wikipedia, abgerufen am 01.04.2018]==========
In 1992, Miami Herald journalist Dave Barry conducted a poll among his readers who selected Harris' recording as the worst song of all time, both in terms of "Worst Lyrics" and "Worst Overall Song". Barry commented: "[I]t's hard to argue with survey respondents who chose it as the worst."[12]
[MacArthur Park (song), Legacy, engl. Wikipedia, abgerufen am 01.04.2018]
Armando Ramos
Am 27.08.2014 veröffentlicht
In den 1960er und 1970er Jahren war der blonde, athletische Harris ein großer internationaler Star, der in zahlreichen Klassikern und Kinohits auftrat. Er spielte in künstlerisch anspruchsvollen Filmen wie Michelangelo Antonionis Die rote Wüste (1963), in Western wie Sierra Charriba (1964, neben Charlton Heston), unter der Regie von John Huston in dem Epos Die Bibel (1964) oder in Actionfilmen wie Kennwort „Schweres Wasser“ (1965, neben Kirk Douglas). 1967 war Harris Co-Moderator bei der 39. Oscar-Verleihung für den Preis bei den Dokumentarfilmen. 1969 wurde der harte Spätwestern Ein Mann, den sie Pferd nannten zu einem der größten Erfolge für den Darsteller. Er verkörperte einen Europäer, der von Indianern gefangen genommen und nach äußerst grausamen Riten in den Stamm aufgenommen wird. Der Film zog die beiden Fortsetzungen Der Mann, den sie Pferd nannten – 2. Teil (1976) und Triumph des Mannes, den sie Pferd nannten (1982) nach sich.
Richard Harris war auch als Sänger erfolgreich. 1968 nahm er mit A Tramp Shining seine erste Schallplatte auf. Die Single-Auskoppelung MacArthur Park wurde ein großer internationaler Hit und über eine Million Mal verkauft. Dank seiner gesanglichen Talente hatte er auch einen Einsatz in der Kinoversion des Broadway-Stückes Camelot (1967), in der er den König Artussang und spielte – neben Vanessa Redgrave als Guenevere und Italo-Western-Star Franco Nero als Lancelot Du Lac. Auf der Filmmusik-Schallplatte sind alle drei mit ihren Originalstimmen zu hören.
[Richard Harris, Filmografie, Wikipedia, abgerufen am 01.04.2018]
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