Sonntag, 4. Februar 2018

Sprache, über die sich nachzudenken lohnt

Der Philosoph Georg Toepfer über Wörter und ihre tieferliegenden Inhalte 

"Troika", "Rettungsschirm", "sozial" oder "Alternative": Das sind Begriffe, die uns allen bekannt sind. Insbesondere wer die Berichterstattung der Medien verfolgt, hört sie immer wieder. Aber was heißt bekannt? Kennen wir die Begriffe wirklich? Der Philosoph Georg Toepfer hat in dem vor kurzem veröffentlichten Buch "Wörter aus der Fremde: Begriffsgeschichte als Übersetzungsgeschichte" gemeinsam mit anderen Autoren bekannte Begriffe im Hinblick auf deren Geschichte und Bedeutung beleuchtet. Im Interview mit Telepolis erklärt Toepfer, was es bedeutet, sich mit der Übersetzungsgeschichte von Begriffen auseinanderzusetzen und greift exemplarisch Wörter auf, über die es sich lohnt, genauer nachzudenken.
- Viele interessante Begriffe haben eine Wanderungsgeschichte hinter sich (Marcus Klöckner im Gespräch mit dem Philosophen Georg Toepfer, Telepolis, 02.02.2018)

George Lakoff - How Does Metaphysics Reveal Reality? {3:45}

Am 01.02.2016 veröffentlicht
Closer To Truth  
Some think metaphysics is ancient nonsense; others that it's the bizarre occult. How does modern metaphysics contribute to our understanding of the world?
Click here to watch more interviews on metaphysics and reality
Click here to watch more interviews with George Lakoff
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Why Don't Facts Move People? {1:48}

Am 26.06.2015 veröffentlicht
Climate One  
UC Berkeley linguistics professor George Lakoff discusses why facts don't change people's minds when it comes to climate change. To deniers, "it's not like they're denying it [...] it's like it's not even a fact," said Lakoff.
Per Espen Stoknes, Economist and Psychologist; [Put book in bio, not title] Author, What We Think About When We Try Not to Think About Global Warming
George Lakoff, Professor of Linguistics, UC Berkeley
Kari Norgaard, Associate Professor of Sociology, University of Oregon
This program was recorded before a live audience on May 12, 2015.  

Idea Framing, Metaphors, and Your Brain - George Lakoff {5:11}

Am 16.07.2008 veröffentlicht  
Complete video at:
UC-Berkeley Linguistics Professor George Lakoff discusses how idea framing and metaphors contribute to shaping the way we think.
UC Berkeley Professor George Lakoff discusses concepts from his new book, The Political Mind: Why You Can't Understand 21st-Century American Politics with an 18th-Century Brain.
George P. Lakoff is a professor of linguistics (in particular, cognitive linguistics) at the University of California, Berkeley, where he has taught since 1972.
Although some of his research involves questions traditionally pursued by linguists, such as the conditions under which a certain linguistic construction is grammatically viable, he is most famous for his ideas about the centrality of metaphor to human thinking, political behavior and society.
He is particularly famous for his concept of the "embodied mind" which he has written about in relation to mathematics. In recent years he has applied his work to the realm of politics, and founded a progressive think tank, the Rockridge Institute.
Joe Epstein is the former President of The Commonwealth Club's Board of Governors.

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